
Create flexible ad-hoc lists

Piece together audience lists on the go, based on specific audience demographic criteria. Shoot for your audience engagement goals the way you envision them, with Marketing Star’s ad hoc list features.

Simplify audience creation with subscribe lists

Make the most of Marketing Star’s plug-and-play simplicity for audience creation & management. Derive consolidated subscribe lists from integrated data sources, saving you the hassle of audience list creation from the ground up & filtering attributes.

Screen your audience for automation-powered precise insights

Built-in scrubbing controls help remove redundant audience data. Streamline scrubbing even further with inherent automated scrubbing to filter out unsubscribed/inactive audience records for consistent optimum engagement. Let Marketing Star guide you to higher ROI through its cutting-edge automated audience scrubbing.

Maximize your audience engagement success

Marketing Star’s inherent split scheduling features enable you to cast a wider net for audience interaction and engagement.Test out different approaches and finalize the campaign strategy that works best, to guarantee optimum audience engagement.