14 Facts about Email Marketing to Inspire You

  • Posted on 12 Apr, 2024
  • By Rachel Goh Pui Yee

When it comes to driving up engagement, social media and influencer-led events are all the rage these days. However, don’t be tempted to declare the death of email marketing, because the “legacy” channel is still very powerful.

Half of the world’s marketers considered their spending on email marketing “extremely/very effective” according to research from Nielsen. Email beat native advertising (48%) or podcasts (45%), and it’s holding on to this favored position for good reasons, delivering an impressive ROI of 122% and $36 for every $1 invested.

In this blog, we will look at 14 facts about the power of email marketing.

Test for Stellar Returns

  • 1. Brands enjoy up to 28% higher returns when they put QA, A/B, and spam testing to work for their email campaigns (Digital Squad).
  • 2. The message (40%) and subject lines (36%) are the two most important elements that email marketers can test among those surveyed (Ascend2).

Unlock Higher Click Rates with a Warm Welcome

  • 3. 81% of B2B marketers say email newsletters are their most used form of content marketing (Content Marketing Institute).
  • 4. Welcome emails have the highest open rates (91.43%) with an average CTR of 26.9%, outperforming other email types.

Appeal to Visuals

  • 5. The open rates of subject lines with emojis are 56% more than those of subject lines with just plain text (Experian).
  • 6. Image-based emails generate a higher open rate of 30.27%, compared to 21.9% for text-based emails.

Use the Word “Free” Sparingly

  • 7. Subject lines with the word “free” have 10% lower open rates than those without it (ZipDo).

Hail Your Customers with Personalized Emails

  • 8. Around 53% of consumers claim that they like emails with birthday or anniversary mentions (Gartner).
  • 9. 43% of consumers state that they like cart abandonment emails (Gartner).
  • 10. 64% of marketing professionals sent out email marketing campaigns with personalized subject lines (Statista).

Get to the Point—and Offer

  • 11. Top-performing emails have about 43 characters in their subject lines (Backlinko).

  • 12. The top 3 reasons people choose to unsubscribe from an email list: too many emails (53.5%), too many repetitive or redundant emails (46.5%), or misaligned subject lines with email content (30.4%) (Gartner).

    Tap into the Power and Reach of Email Marketing

    • 13. The email marketing software market was valued at $7.5 billion in 2020, projected to reach $17.9 billion by 2027 (Statista).
    • 14. 44% of B2B marketers say that email as a distribution channel produce the best results (Content Marketing Institute).

    Next Step: Send Away Your Emails


    We hope these 14 email marketing facts have motivated you to make the channel a key part of your audience engagement efforts. While there are no foolproof approaches, these facts can serve as a starting point for cultivating effective email campaigns.

    To take your email, and omnichannel, marketing to new heights, talk to our experts about how Marketing Star can help. Connect with Us.